Virtual Summit

Together We Rise

Let's Build a Better Future

The JCI RISE Virtual Summit is a three-day online event led by inspiring speakers from numerous fields who will share their ideas, experiences, and knowledge to help young leaders navigate modern challenges.

Our Goal: to inspire young leaders to collaborate, exchange ideas, create positive impact and RISE TOGETHER with unified vision.

The experts in creating marketing content
Man in Sweatshirt In Front of People
Happy diverse colleagues give high five together celebrate great teamwork





Our 150.000+ members will be invited to join through our online platform.

Professionals from different fields, will share their expertise during dedicated sessions.

We will share skills development opportunities and knowledge to support our leaders to develop JCI RISE projects around the world.

We will play a vital role in the sustainable development of our local economies and societies.

2023 JCI RISE Virtual Summit

Day 1:

Thursday, September 21

Theme: Sustaining and Rebuilding Economies

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SGD 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

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Meet our speakers:

Natalia Bayona

Executive Director, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Baybars Altuntas

Chairman of the Board of Directors, World Business Angel Investment Forum (WBAF)

Graham Phillips Weihmiller

Chairman and CEO, Business Network International (BNI)

Vincent Lau

Co-founder, Digital Vision Brands Holdings Limited

Ullas Marar

Head of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Stefan Muehleisen

Director of Innovation, Adidas AG

Day 2:

Friday, September 22

Theme: Workforce Motivation

SDG 1: No Poverty

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Meet our speakers:

Monika Froehler

CEO, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

Kate Landon

Executive Director, Ban Ki-moon Foundation

Chester Shum

Global President, AIESEC

Linda Peterhans

Programme Officer, Kofi Annan Foundation

Sanjana Chhantyal

Deputy Project Lead Youth Solutions Program,

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Youth)

Stefanie Beßler

Innovation & Community Lead at Social Impact Award (SIA)

Day 3:

Saturday, September 23

Theme: Preserving Mental Health

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

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Meet our speakers:

Matthias Scheffelmeier

Co-founder and Managing Director, ChangemakerXchange

Victor Ugo

MHPSS and Youth Engagement Advisor for the MHPSS Collaborative, One Young World Ambassador

Francisco José Tavira Sánchez

Co-Founder & CEO, Loomee

Edoardo Giudice

Co-founder, Virtuosis Artificial Intelligence SA

Lara Gervaise

Co-founder, Virtuosis Artificial Intelligence SA


“JCI Member Showcase” LIVE Sessions

Join us for three exciting LIVE sessions with JCI RISE Project Leaders, where they will showcase their remarkable initiatives and share their knowledge, ideas, tips, and insights. These dynamic sessions are your chance to delve into the stories behind these inspiring projects, discover the strategies that drive their success, and learn how you too can make a difference!

Meet our hosts:

Manuela Weber

2023 Chairperson of the SDG Committee

Naomi Chan

2023 Member of the SDG Committee for Asia & Pacific


Thursday, September 21

Friday, September 22

Saturday, September 23

RISE Projects | Members in Action

JCI members and young leaders everywhere will work together with community stakeholders to address local and national needs through impactful projects. This program unable them to focus on the most pressing global challenges; whether it is famine, mental health or economic disparity, JCI RISE is the framework and structure that can unite all leaders to create powerful action.

Sustaining and Rebuilding economies

Gastronomic Passport JCI

JCI Joaçaba/Herval/Luzerna, Brazil

With this project, JCI Joacaba, Herval and Luzerna sought to support their local economy through supporting local restaurant businesses. By using the concept of food passports and coupons, they were able to encourage people to try new foods and engage with faltering businesses. In addition to this their main sponsor, the food delivery app Aiqfome, gave them R$ 1,700.00 of support and made its digital delivery platform available so that the passport partner companies could offer their services in the app.

JCI Cork Tourist Guide

JCI Cork, Ireland

JCI Cork worked with NGOs and the local government to provide new tourism opportunities and supplement community businesses after COVID-19. Their work gave a much-needed platform to businesses and worked toward economic recovery in the region with a focus on sustainable tourism.


JCI East Java, Indonesia

Olah was a project created by JCI East Java to help cooperatives transform into digital platforms using either Android or iOS. It also helped cooperatives manage their finances better. This was especially important given that cooperatives support the Indonesian economy up to 5.1% of Indonesia’s GDP. Through this project, JCI East Java was also able to apply blockchain technology to increase security and overall uplifted local businesses to new heights.

Workforce Motivation

Care and Dare 2021: Empowering Working MOMs

JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes, Hong Kong

JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes, as a female chapter of 52 years, took it upon themselves to help working mothers regain their confidence and actively rejoin the workforce. To help with this, they held a Mother’s Festival Workshops, a momtrepreneur bazaar that attracted over 1000 visitors, and launched a “Women Sustainable Career Pledge” where 65 companies pledged to implement family-friendly initiatives that help women continue to develop their career after giving birth.

Labor Laboratory (LABLAB)

JCI Rosario, Argentina

With this project, JCI Rosario helped local young people learn important skills for obtaining a job. They worked closely with young professionals, students and workers to provide them with strategies for interviews and other important skills. During this project, with the help of a local and public relations consultant, JCI Rosario hosted four workshops. Participants left the training fully equipped with the knowledge needed to enter the job market.

Data ANALYTICS with Microsoft Excel- Beginners and Intermediate

JCI Garden City and JCI Trans-Amadi, Nigeria

JCI Garden City sought to empower their members to become financially and economically independent via professional reconversion. To accomplish this task, JCI Garden City organized a one day virtual course on data analytics with Microsoft Excel taught by experienced certified trainer Amaka Ifebunandu. This event provided the education opportunities for and professional reconversion necessary for the growth of JCI members.

Preserving Mental Health and Well-being

The MindBlooms Project

JCI Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill, Mauritius

In line with JCI Rise and with UN SDG 3 of “Good Health and Well-Being,” the MindBlooms Project undertook three fundamental activities: an eight-week advocacy training where members within JCI were trained to conduct Mindfulness Education to their surroundings, a 12-week Mental Health and Mental Well-Being Online Thematic Series provided to university students, and several Mental Health Awareness campaigns, including on-site free therapies at different strategic locations.

Projecting Projects

JCI Wignacourt, Malta

JCI Wignacourt partnered with 230 Works to organize a day of training focused on different timely themes under the mental health awareness umbrella. Topics included “Racism in Malta,” “Youth Mental Health,” “Strengthening Self-confidence” and more. Participants were assigned a theme and a partner with the task of creating a project, which they later pitched to a panel of judges for the opportunity to win a prize.


JCI San Martin, Argentina

The main objectives of this project involved raising awareness on the importance of mental health and

promoting good habits related to physical, psychological and social well-being. This was done through the

dissemination of videos on social networks with professionals who addressed mental health from different

areas, providing practical advice to the community with a massive reach.

2022 Speakers & Topics

Sustainability leaders

(UN World Tourism Organization)

Speaker: Director of Innovation, Education, and Investments World Tourism Organization, Natalia Bayona

Resilience and workplace wellness

(Business Network International)

Speaker: Executive Director, Business Network International (BNI) India, Dr. Munwari Padmanabhan

Business resilience

(International Chamber of Commerce)

Speaker: Head of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship, Gabriel Petrus

How to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset in young people?

(World Business Angels Investment Forum)

Speaker: JCI Ambassador and WBAF Executive Chairman, Baybars Altuntas

Realistic gadgets ipad

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